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Digital and technological solutions for research studies in the medical field

THE MEDICAL DIVISION provides engineering contributions to enhance edge medical diagnostics.



We create technological and digital solutions to support research studies in the medical field. In this environment, collaborations have been established with Italian universities to provide engineering input and implement innovative ad hoc tools to collect data and prove new theses regarding frontier medical diagnostics research.

In particular, we provide solutions and advice on:

Our Expertise

Digital 3D Scanning & Modelling

Digital Dentistry 2.0

Prosthesys and Model 3D Printing

Research & Development

Research & Development

Exploiting the potential of Modeling
and Simulation.


Implementation of a transportable platform for precision measurement of human postural balance for detection and determination of substance use.


Use of digital techniques to improve surgical planning processes.


Realization of a low-cost wireless system for pulse oximetry detection.

Marchio 2
Research and development, modeling and simulation of new technologies and skills

Experts in data acquisition and fusion, new generation sensors, robotic platforms with swarming intelligence - UXV…

We give a new image to museums. We digitize museum objects and archaeological finds using 3D digital scanners, creating virtual models ...

We design specific devices for medical use , equipped medical, surgical helmets for shooting, recording and streaming operations ...

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ACMECUBO is an engineering company specialized in the research and development of new enabling technologies.​